[FREE] The Complete Beginner's Guide to the Composition Process

Free Interactive pdf guide

One thing I hear from composition students a lot is that the entire process of writing a piece from start to finish is a little overwhelming. I get it. There’s a lot of moving parts. The project has a lot of phases, and each phase has a lot of steps (and sub-steps). Especially for composers with ADHD (like me), it can feel nearly impossible to keep track of.

Maybe you’re a new composer, and you want to get started but how to even go about that is kinda paralyzing.

So, I’ve got a new resource here for you today. It’s an interactive infographic outlining the entire composition process. Each place you find a yellow arrow, there is a link to an additional composition resource that will help guide you on the process.

This resource is free, but it is an exclusive for my email newsletter subscribers. So, if you’d like a copy of it you can subscribe to my newsletter by filling out the form below. I’ll send out new composition resources and tips every week - I think you’ll find it super helpful.